The transition from attending school every semester for 4 consecutive years can spoil. I mean, I work, NOT every day but, now that i'm out (and still searching for jobs), I'm at Reid Hospital many days, utilizing my degree to the furthest: washing dishes.
Don't get the feeling I dislike the hospital, on the contrary, I love the place and am thankful for what it has given me for more than 4 years. The place just wears on you, especially with the corrupt bureaucracy that creeps its head into even the most un-impeccable conditions. The thing is, I don't think some people even know who I am and the judgment in their look and direction is enough to belittle those around them. I hate it.
NOT that i'm anyone but, I could take their job if I applied for it. I wish them to know that.
Anyway, aside from the hospital I'm taking on the responsibility of a full-time dad. No, no, I haven't reached that moment in life. Bella, my dog, keeps me busy and as you can see she finds time to drag me from this machine quite often, only to climb under grandma's bed.
She is getting better and it seems she's got the idea that some things are not right, ala pooing on the floor, tearing up curtains and even eating tissues.
She is growing at an alarming rate and after the vet appt. two weeks ago, I would venture to guess she has put on at least 5 lbs. Seriously, I bet she weighs between 21 and 25 lbs. She has another appt. Feb. 3 and we'll see how she is doing but, I think she's doing better than I ever expected.
We sit 24 days from the day pitchers and catchers report for spring training and once again, I couldn't be more ready; as my faded Reds hat sits on my head more and more everyday
Things to check out:
Take a look at the NEW The new site was launched soon after the new president was sworn in and will include a lot of new features. After reading this about the White House, change HAD to come to the White House, in terms of technology. It is quite bizarre to think that all the computers in our house were more powerful than the ones at the White House. Unbelievable. Running a country while not informing yourself to the best of your abilities. Unbelievable.
Anyway, the president will do weekly briefings with the nation through Youtube videos, on decisions made that week and/or situations the presidency and nation are facing.
The 'briefing room' is a nice tab featuring the weekly addresses, a blog as well as other information about what is going on.
- A lady in California has given birth to ocuplets. Yes, that is eight babies. And she did it in record time.
- So, why were they eating these again, anyway?
- Stewards of the Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz are appealing for money to fund its preservation.
- For those of you in doubt of 'liberal media' here is a site to peruse. Stinkyjournalism is an online media ethics site pointing fingers at wrongdoing in journalism.
- Some small cities are bailing out struggling car dealers because the revenue they create through sales tax income pays for more than half of the cities income.
- Some zoo's and aquariums are cutting back, just like everyone else. How are they doing that? Find out here.
You may or may not know that I love movies. I don't like television and I prefer staring at the wall to those programs you call 'reality t.v.' I feel that staring at the wall my mind won't become quite as numb and I'll actually learn more from the wall than those dreadful programs.
I love movies though and I've seen all of the candidates for Best Picture, at the Oscars, except The Reader. I adored Slumdog Millionaire and Benjamin Button was good too.
Anyway aside from all of those movies, I watched Green Street Hooligans for the first time and loved it. If you haven't seen it and have any interest in British culture, football (soccer), or just plain violence give it a tune. I also watched Into the Wild again, once again very good movie, thought provoking and life-enhancing.
What's About 1.27
Posted by nathan at 10:37:00 PM
Labels: Bella, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Green Street Hooligans, Into The Wild, Slumdog Millionaire
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