(Before reading I have to state I don't condone the use or distribution of material involving or showing marijuana, I am merely finding humour in the day)
April 20, or 4-20 has come to fame or rather, infamy in the past few years as the day that pot-smokers celebrate their avocation. The true story about the day can be read here.
Method Man said he forgot to pay taxes because he was busy smoking.
No legal ganja anytime soon though.
Some famous friends of Mary-Jane:

April 20, or 4-20 has come to fame or rather, infamy in the past few years as the day that pot-smokers celebrate their avocation. The true story about the day can be read here.
Method Man said he forgot to pay taxes because he was busy smoking.
No legal ganja anytime soon though.
Some famous friends of Mary-Jane:

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