If I were to sum up my life post-college it would bear, perhaps the same moniker of the most recent presidential campaign: Change is here!
This week I began my first week at The Star Press, as a temporary features and freelance writer; fulfilling, hopefully, my ability to write and develop stories which, up to this point, has yielded me all of about $37.
The hardest thing about transitioning back to actually ‘doing something’ is a challenge, but I must remember it hasn’t been two days. Patience is tough in the vocation of newspaper writing but patience is necessary when working with people and attempting to get ahold of them at their most inconvenient times, it seems.
I enjoy the aura of the newsroom; writers and editors with their heads down typing feverishly, antidotes of stories writers are working on floating just at a listenable volume, random laughs to said antidotes, the scanner belching the police blotter and discussions of donuts and previous night’s ball games.
And when it’s busy and there are seemingly hundreds of assignments on my desk, I love it. I can’t wait to see what comes of this adventure (here’s to hoping it becomes more permanent) but, I’m sure whatever the next day brings will be an important part of my adventure going forward.
It’s morel season once again and if you don’t know what a morel is, or why anyone would walk in dimly-lit forests for wild fungus; this is not a call to you. I’m looking for anyone and everyone interested in morel-mushroom hunting. Tips, secrets, any and all insight into the world and season of morel hunting are wanted and/or needed.
Check out this site called Caring Bridge, an online support system for family and friends going through a serious health problem with another friend or relative. I landed upon the site of one Muncie couple – the husband is currently undergoing cancer treatment – and became instantly interested into the support of family, friends and complete strangers through an online social-network
Having wifi problems with your brand-spankin’-new iPad? Check out this for some quick easy tips for connection problems. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2362319,00.asp Don’t have one? Do you need it? http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1976932,00.html
The president had a 17-minute, 2500 word response to a lady asking about being overtaxed. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2010/04/obamas-17-minute-2500-word-res.html
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