
Stonehenge and Salisbury

Just a few hours ago we arrived back to Leinster Gardens from a day trip to Stonehenge and Salisbury.

The trip to the world famous Stonehenge was nice but consisted of a mere circle of the perimeter of the ancient formation, accompanied with an audio tour that seemed to repeat itself.

I am glad for the opportunity but it was as I expected; a trip to an almost vacant field allowing for a photo opportunity and an early departure.

After staying at Stonehenge for about an hour we made a 10 minute journey to Salisbury a village of about 40,000 Englanders and the home of the famous Salisbury Cathedral.

After the brief tour, a large group of us headed to find some food.

Along with a couple people, who didn't feel like eating pizza in a large group, I found a pub and ordered a traditional English breakfast. It consisted of tea, baked beans, two eggs, two pieces of sausage, ham, 3 hashbrowns, toast, tomatoes and mushrooms.

I was full, to say the least and at a nice price of £7. A usual tightwad while in London, I eat the local fare during all the day trips. I figure I might as well.

After eating I wandered around for a while, looked at the impressive amount of Swans on the canal that ran through town, looked at some discount watches, the abundance of tourists and the old churches. I took my time and didn't feel like being a tourist but saw, what I felt was important before boarding the bus back to Leinster Gardens.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in France about a year ago, and I took an audio tour of Versailles not only was it repeating itself, but it was doing so in slow motion.. Go figure.

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